References II

References II

Here are more stories about Pegkens kitties in their new homes.

Hi Peggy,

This is Marissa (Opal's mommy). I wanted to let you know that she is doing very well. We love her so much! She is quite the character. We have a son now and he is mesmerized by her. Opal likes him as well. She participates in tummy time and likes to sit near him (practically in his lap) while he's drinking a bottle. Every morning she climbs into my lap to have her head scratched. At night she likes to sleep in our bed and paw at our feet or lick our toes. She brings so much joy to our family! My husband wasn't much of a cat person, but he thinks she is the greatest and likes to show her off. Anyway, I just wanted to update you. I hope all is well!! Take care!

Marissa 2011


Hi Peggy

Hope all is going well with the recent litters. I wanted to share a few more pics of our boy with you- along with a few others. For Mother's Day, I got a surprise of a session with a pet photographer who came to the house and took great pictures of everyone including my daughter. I had no idea it had happened until the gallery showed up online. As far as the cats went, the only one who took really great pictures was Razzle; the others were a bit skittish or just plain not interested. I love the one of him labeled number 5, attached.

Anyways- I thought you may want to see our boy as he grows. He's such a great baby, snuggled up with me right now with his head touching the laptop.
Still pretty mini at only 7 lbs even, but that's probably much closer to average than my other heavyweights are. Willie (LH Brown and white tabby, like your Charlie) is over 15 lbs. and seriously butt heavy.

Hope you enjoy seeing Razzle. He looks amazing to me.

June 2008


Hi Peggy,

I just wanted to send two updated and adorable photos of MacGregor. He is so incredibly handsome. I think he's in the adolescent stage of kittie-hood. He's become very confident, and quite an instigator of trouble with Skittles. For this reason, we are considering getting him neutered within the month.
Seeing how folds are not much for jumpers, the only respite Skittles finds from MacG's relentlessness is often on top of our fridge. :-)

He's getting along with Roscoe very well. Roscoe loves to smell him, and I've caught him grooming MacG, which MacG absolutely loves. Every now and then I wake up in the morning with the two cuddled on the floor!!


April 2007

HI Peggy

I think of writing you often to tell you what pure delight little Rory is. She fits our menagerie family like a glove. She and Miles the Egyptian Mau are best buddies. If you see two sets of ears peaking up out of the basket on top of the tv cabinet, it's sure to be them curled up together. And their morning sessions of tag keep us entertained. Second only to her friendship with Miles is the one with Snoopy the dog. It's so fun to watch them play together.... they chase each other, then she'll plop over and he'll push her around with his snout. He's so gentle and sweet with her... often I find him giving her a bath or they are curled up together. Right now she is curled up on my lap but if my husband is home... that's her favorite spot. When she was smaller she would ride around on his shoulder. My husband has had cats in his life all of his life and he commented the other day that she is just one of the neatest cats ever. I'm including a couple of photos.....



Hi Peggy,

Just wanted to let you know how Precious is doing.

We have all fallen in love with her.  I love her confidence.  She is not skittish at all like other cats I have known.  My tough 15 year old son is constantly saying “how cute” she is.  She goes from sleeping with us to the grandparents sofa, then to my desk, then to my son’s desk.  I think the furniture feels cooler to her.  She sleeps on the edge of my nightstand watching over me like a Chesire cat.  She comes when I call her from wherever she is hiding at the time and is thoroughly sweet and well….precious!  And it’s been a long time since my family laughed so much.

I’ll keep in touch.


July 2007


Hi Peggy,

Hamish is absolutely amazing!  He is so comfortable around all of the other cats.  He found the toy chest and has played with many of them already!!  He is eating, drinking, pooping and peeing.  He also has a nice, loud purr!!  I can't believe what a well-adjusted little guy he is after not being with his siblings, traveling across country and being in a completely different environment!!

I am completely in love with him!!  I'm going to take him to work for a short time tonight so everyone can see him! 

I've attached a bunch of pictures.  Enjoy!

Take care,


December 2008